The Great Salmon Hunt has teamed up with PENN, Berkley and Ugly Stik to create PENN’s “LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” Saturday’s weekly giveaway with a retail value potential of more than $1,000!
The biggest fish recorded each Saturday will be deemed the PENN “LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” winner.
PENN “LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” weekly winner’s prize includes:
PENN FathomII Line Counter Reel
Ugly Stik Bigwater Dipsy Rod
Berkley Trilene Big Game 40lb
PENN Heavy Duty Line Spooler
PENN Plier
PENN Filet Knife
PENN “LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” weekly winners have the opportunity to UP their prize by: 1. Simply uploading an image of their winning catch to Instagram and/or Facebook tagging @greatsalmonhunt, @pennfishing, @uglystik and @berkleyfishing along with the following hashtags #greatsalmonhunt #letthebattlebegin #catchmorefish to receive a second Ugly Stik Bigwater Dipsy Rod, Berkley Trilene Big Game Line and PENN Filet knife
2. Earn an additional PENN FathomII Line Counter Reel (a $315.99 MSRP value) if the uploaded image includes any PENN reel!
The PENN “LET THE BATTLE BEGIN” Contest is a weekly contest with six (6) opportunities to win. Contest days are as follows:
Saturday, August 1
Saturday, August 8
Saturday, August 15
Saturday, August 22
Saturday, August 29
Saturday, September 5
Anyone with a valid 2020 Great Salmon Hunt ticket is encouraged to enter the contest!